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Monero GUI 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Release containing a bugfix for automatic fee selection.

作者 selsta | 9 March 2024
Category: releases

Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Release adding support for RISC-V and contains important bug fixes.

作者 selsta | 9 March 2024
Category: releases

CLSAG security proof revisions

Issues with CLSAG formal security proofs were identified. Monero's implementation of CLSAG is not affected.

作者 Cypher Stack | 8 March 2024
Category: crypto

Community Crowdfunding System wallet incident

2,675.73 XMR (the entire balance) was drained from the CCS wallet on September 1, 2023. The General Fund wallet remains intact.

作者 Monero Core Team | 4 November 2023
Category: urgent, announcements, core

Monero GUI 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Release adding support for macOS ARM.

作者 selsta | 7 October 2023
Category: releases

Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Release optimizes wallet refresh and contains important bug fixes.

作者 selsta | 7 October 2023
Category: releases

Post-Mortem of 10-Block-Old Decoy Selection Bug

Emprical analysis of the high severity vulnerability within the reference wallet. Updating to the latest version is strongly advised.

作者 jeffro256 | 8 June 2023
Category: urgent, crypto, community

Monero GUI 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Release adding support for Ledger Stax.

作者 selsta | 4 April 2023
Category: releases

Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Release adding a size limit for tx_extra in tx pool.

作者 selsta | 4 April 2023
Category: releases

Monero GUI 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Release containing redesigned wallet creation UI and support for the upcoming P2Pool network upgrade.

作者 selsta | 26 February 2023
Category: releases